After being in a relationship with a narcissistic partner who uses emotional manipulation and control, you will have disowned and pushed away parts of who you really are to survive in the relationship. This is why calling back those parts and moving into wholeness is part of the transformation process within the relationship (or if you decide to leave).
Get instant access to the Own Your Power Bootcamp to dive deeper into this pillar of self-reclamation.
Many women I work with are not setting effective boundaries in their relationships. Not only that, they are trying to set them from a disempowered place, or are trying to control the external with their boundary setting. This doesn't work.
We go in-depth into boundaries, how to know them, set them, and enforce them inside of my program End the Cycle.
You can access my free Own Your Power Bootcamp to learn more about boundaries and the process of change here
If you have a partner that regularly tells you that you can't let things go when you raise your feelings about his behaviours, I'm sharing 3 things that he needs to do to help you "move past it".
Key transformational takeaway: "You can't move past something that's still happening".
If you're trying to find answers about how you can change your partner, this is the episode for you.
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In this episode, I'm breaking down what I mean when I say "take ownership of your life". When I post something about taking ownership of our own work (especially on Instagram!) I will always get some comments from women who want to accuse me of "victim-blaming" rather than reflect on the message I'm sharing. I want to clarify what I mean when I say "take ownership" of your life, your side of the street, and focus on yourself.
In this episode, I felt compelled to riff about how I see the use of the label "narcissist" being thrown around too loosely.
I am also challenging you about possible labels you've given yourself that may be limiting your growth and ability to move beyond the relationship dynamics you find yourself in.
For daily posts and inspo follow @awakeningwomensupport on Facebook and Instagram
You have likely read and hear about trauma bonding in your travels down the rabbit hole of understanding relationship abuse, and I want to offer a different perspective than the masses.
I'm not trying to suggest it doesn't exist, but I want you to see this from a more empowering place, rather than stay in the victimization stage of your journey.
"If everyone is saying it you can be sure it's wrong" Anthony DeMello
Want to take it deeper, stop feeling confused and get clarity on how to know if your partner can change?
Join the Own Your Power BootCamp
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Register for the upcoming bootcamp and get on the End The Cycle waitlist.
Let's talk about what it takes to create an intervention to require that your partner changes for you to continue in the relationship.
In this episode, I'm sharing 4 parts that must be included in staging an intervention to set your new boundaries and non-negotiable needs.
Follow @awakeningwomensupport on Instagram and Facebook for daily posts and videos.
This is an episode worthy of listening with your journal ready! We are going deep into self reflection and awakening to the areas where you're giving your emotional power away to your partner. This is such an important episode, and is essential work if we are to live empowered in all areas of our life!
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Beware of this sudden profession of being a changed man. This is classic of a narcissistic partner! In this episode, I share a recent ETC member's question about her partner suddenly switching into acting as if nothing happened, and suggested doing to Hawaii.
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There's a point in most interactions with a narcissist (with traits or NPD) where you lose yourself and become confused and overwhelmed. This is emotional quicksand, and in this episode, I'm sharing ONE thing you must do before this happens.
Follow @awakeningwomensupport on Instagram and Facebook for daily posts and reminders to stay on the awakening path
This is a common pattern of behaviour with narcissistic partners, the sudden switch of behaviour, trying to brainwash you out of remembering what they did by sweeping it under the rug, acting as if everything is 'normal'. I call it the "quick switch".
Ready to get off the rollercoaster?
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Stop feeling bad for feeling what you feel! Repressed emotions create illness in the body. We must learn how to be with our true feelings in order to move them and become empowered and attuned to our experience.
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I'm back with some new episodes, and in this addition, I want to share my reflections on what I witness over and over again in our communities as the power of women coming together in healing and growth. It is some potent and powerful stuff!
If you would like to join our private free community and receive email updates from me about what's coming up, including new content and classes I am offering, subscribe to the community here.
Follow @awakeningwomensupport on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration and transformation and connect with other Awakening Women!
I decided to highlight the topic of stonewalling this week because there is always confusion about this. If you walk away, or refuse to engage in an interaction that is unhealthy for you, is this stonewalling?
I offer my take on this in today's encore episode.
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Ready for mentoring to get out of the cycle and into clarity, power, and feel more in control of your life? Join the End The Cycle program waitlist and I'll let you know as soon as we reopen.
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This is the biggest struggle I see women stuck in: wondering for years, even decades if their partner is actually capable of real change. Tune into this encore episode for my take on this question: can he change?
For more listen to:
207. Is there hope for an emotionally abusive partner to change?
209. When Your Partner Says You Need To Change Too
230. He Says He Wants To Change | How to Know if You Should Give it More Time
Coping and surviving each day is no way to live, but if you're in a relationship with an abusive, controlling resentful (narcissistic) man, let's be real, this is exactly what you're doing - you're in survival mode. This episode is for you if you are not ready to leave yet, or you're still trying to figure out what you want to do about your relationship.
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Being in this relationship is taking a toll on your physical health. In this episode, we're talking about symptoms of burnout and adrenal dysfunction as it pertains to living in this stressful dynamic.
In this episode, we're talking about what it means to be a true empath and highly sensitive person, and how this makes living with an abusive partner feel completely unbearable.
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Join the Own Your Power Series (Jan 11th-14th, 2021)
In this episode, we're talking about how to balance out high empathy with logical thinking, and why empaths are more prone to staying in an abusive relationship.
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Join ETC Evolve and get started on your transformation journey today.
Sex can be an issue in any relationship, but when you're living in the constant abuse cycle, it is even more of a problem. In this encore episode, I'm diving into when you don't want sex with your partner, and am also sharing feedback from our community of women about their experience with sex in a narcissistic relationship.
For more listen to:
238. Sexual Boundaries | Sexual Aversion to an Abusive Partner
224. Transcending Patriarchy | Male Privilege, Entitlement and Toxic Masculinity
183: Physical Boundaries in Your Relationship
In this encore episode, we're focusing on gaslighting and how you can empower yourself against taking on your partner's reality and perceptions. Gaslighting is a covert emotional and psychological abuse tactic that has deep emotional and physical health effects, and protecting your mental space from this tactic is the first step.
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For more listen to episodes:
Ep 186: Stop Gaslighting Yourself
In this encore episode, we're talking about circular communication and why you feel so confused after interactions with your partner. You're trying to resolve things, and your partner is trying to evade responsibility, this is a recipe for stressful interactions that seem to go nowhere. Nothing ever feels resolved.
For more listen to these episodes:
192. The Cycle in Action | Breaking Down One Woman's Interaction with a Narcissistic Spouse
Ep 177: Circular Communication + Word Salad
Ready to Transform your life in 2021?
Ladies, this is your wake up call. I want you to thrive, and experience peace and joy in your life. And I know that the reality for nearly every woman who is in an emotionally toxic and damaging relationship is she is also suffering physically.
Your relationship is making you sick. The mind-body connection is real, and it is playing out right now in your own personal reality.
It's time to take your health seriously and DO SOMETHING to change your situation. Your life actually does depend on it.
Join the Own Your Power Masterclass
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