Covert narcissism, Narcissistic traits and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In this episode learn:
- We all have some narcissism and why we need to have a healthy amount
- The difference between NPD and Narcissistic traits
- What defines narcissism as abusive and the difference between occasionally slipping into some of the traits, and when it is a consistent occurrence
- Refer to ep 100 for 10 signs of Narcissistic and Emotional AbuseQuestions from my @awakeningwomensupport Instagram community:
- Can a narcissist admit they need help/know they have this toxicity about them?
- What’s the biggest sign of a narc according to you?
- How do you prepare yourself to leave, heal and move on from a narcissistic relationship?
- How do you learn to hold compassion for a person who seems to have no conscience?
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